CIVINET Slovenia – Croatia – SEE network and ODRAZ (NGO) will use this Advent to gather local authorities and interdisciplinary experts interested in sustainable urban development. A conference about sustainable urban mobility will be held on the 6th of December 2018 in Zagreb, on the premises of HKD Napredak (Bogovićeva 1/I). We are honoured that one of the Partners in Erkon Ltd, Petra Grgasović, has been invited to actively contribute to the discussion on the topic of integrated transport. As a panelist and an ad-hoc expert for urban mobility within URBACT programme, she will explain the methods and results of URBACT initiatives in Croatia, in the context of urban mobility.
In the second part of the agenda, Petra will hold a presentation about Mobility as a Service (Maas) – an advanced but a disruptive concept which changes the ways we perceive daily mobility and the related business models.
Considering the variety of the topics and a rich experience of the presenters, we invite you to join the conference and contribute to the discussion. You can find out more about the event and the speakers by visiting